Friday, September 20, 2013

Dharma Shastras

Dharma Shastras

As the topic says, let's take a peek into what Bagavan manu says about the observation of Ashaucham or pelai (un-clean  period) after detah, and other observances for different varnas etc. Dharma Shastras form the base of our social structure,a s they are based on virtues. Bagavan Manu has though very well about the upcming curelty of Kali, where virtuousness will have very less or no value and laid down very clearly about the Dos and donts for the welfare of the prarma loukeekas, of this Kali.

अह्ना चैकेन रात्र्या च त्रिरात्रैरेव च त्रिभिः ।
शवस्पृशो विशुध्यन्ति त्र्यहादुदकदायिनः । ।

5.64. Those who have touched a corpse are purified after one day and night (added to) three periods of three-days; those who give libations of water, after three days.

Note: Usually we can help/ render service to the family of the deceased without touching the corpse etc. If needed we shouldn't abstain from doing so. We should just be aware of these rules, to be observed if we do so. We should all readily help the family of deceased.

गुरोः प्रेतस्य शिष्यस्तु पितृमेधं समाचरन् ।
प्रेतहारैः समं तत्र दशरात्रेण शुध्यति । 

5.65. A pupil who performs the Pitrimedha for his deceased teacher, becomes also pure after ten days, just like those who carry the corpse out (to the burial-ground).

Note: We can see how glorious is our Vedic tradition from this sloka. Like how one is indebted to one's parents one shall do the cremation of his spiritual preceptor.  The Vedic cremation of a Brahmana is called as Paithru medhika Yagnam, which will be covered later.

अक्षारलवणान्नाः स्युर्निमज्जेयुश्च ते त्र्यहम् ।
मांसाशनं च नाश्नीयुः शयीरंश्च पृथक्क्षितौ । । ५.७३। ।

5.73. Let (mourners) eat food without  ksharam(pepper),salt, bathe during three days, abstain from meat, and sleep separate on the ground.

Note: Immediately after the Oupasana or Gruhya Agni is carried out of the home, usually, the fire in the kitchen is "turned off" and we cant light the stove for upto three days (10 days?) , atleast until Sanjayanam is conducted (only on odd days). Only for pithru kaarams (like making of Mudgam, Aapoopam etc.. for Sanjayanam) stove may be lit separately ( far way from the regular kitchen fire). Friends, neighbors , relatives etc.. bring in food for those days of ashaucha kaalam.

विगतं तु विदेशस्थं शृणुयाद्यो ह्यनिर्दशम् ।
यच्छेषं दशरात्रस्य तावदेवाशुचिर्भवेत् । । ५.७५ । ।

5.75 He who may hear that (a relative) residing in a distant country has died, before ten (days after his death have elapsed), shall be impure for the remainder of the period of ten (days and) nights only.

Note: So, even if we hear the news of death, from a far away country, we have to observe ashaucham or pelai. Now, with advanced technologies like emails, mobile etc.. the issue of communication doesn't arise. Thanks to technology.

शुद्ध्येद्विप्रो दशाहेन द्वादशाहेन भूमिपः ।
वैश्यः पञ्चदशाहेन शूद्रो मासेन शुध्यति । । ५.८३ । ।

5.83. A Brahmana shall be pure after ten days, a Kshatriya after twelve, a Vaisya after fifteen, and a Sudra is purified after a month.

Note: Bagavan Manu has been extremely kind and mindful in forming those rule for the period of ashaucham - 10 days for a Brahmana, 12 days for a Kashatriya, 14 days for a Vaishya and 16 days for a Shudra. Usually during the times of pelai or ashaucham, one is not supposed to continue his kula vritti . Since Brahmins perform agni   hothram etc.., they are given the privilege to have only ashaucham of 10 day. So, the opportunistic bhramins should be aware of this - taking 3 days of leave , and then working until 9th day and again 3 days of leave etc.. - are strictly prohibited by Shastras. That shows how much respect one has for his parents and or Shastras.

न वर्धयेदघाहानि प्रत्यूहेन्नाग्निषु क्रियाः ।
न च तत्कर्म कुर्वाणः सनाभ्योऽप्यशुचिर्भवेत् । । ५.८४। ।

5.84. Let him not (unnecessarily) lengthen the period of impurity, nor interrupt the rites to be performed with the sacred fires; for he who performs that (Agnihotra) rite will not be impure, though (he be) a (Sapinda)relative.

Note: As Bagavan manu says, one has to follow the ashaucham only as per the prescribed rules and for the specified amount of time - for the Srautha rituals (or Agni kaaryam etc.) will be affected . After the utsarjanam of the pashanam, from the Gruha kundam, etc.. and all the 10 days of rituals , bali etc..are over, one has a bath after shaving and enters the home. After this Ananda Homam, Punyaha Vachanam and Shanti homam are performed, which marks the time, when once can start his nityagni hothrams.

विप्रः शुध्यत्यपः स्पृष्ट्वा क्षत्रियो वाहनायुधम् ।
वैश्यः प्रतोदं रश्मीन्वा यष्टिं शूद्रः कृतक्रियः । । ५.९९ । ।

5.99. (At the end of the period of impurity) a Brahmana who has performed the necessary rites, becomes pure by touching water, a Kshatriya by touching the animal on which he rides, and his weapons, a Vaisya by touching his goad or the nose-string (of his oxen), a Sudra by touching his staff.

अनुगम्येच्छया प्रेतं ज्ञातिं अज्ञातिं एव च ।
स्नात्वा सचैलः स्पृष्ट्वाग्निं घृतं प्राश्य विशुध्यति । । ५.१०३। ।

5.103. Having voluntarily followed a corpse, whether (that of) a paternal kinsman (sapindi) or (of) a stranger, he becomes pure by bathing, dressed in his clothes, by touching fire and eating clarified butter.

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